3 Colours
Why 3 Colours?
To help people find their way around the hospital I am planning to give each floor it's own colour identity that will appear throughout that level. There are three floors at Dewi Sant, ground, first and second so I am going to need three main colours. With this pack people are asked to select their three choices and I will then use the results in my final decisions.

Pinhole camera
Why a pinhole camera?
I am thinking my final designs will include local imagery. These cameras are a way for people to capture shots of the surrounding landscape or things they have grown or see growing when out walking. I like the quality that you get from a pinhole camera, the images get distorted and blurred and I'm hoping to use these qualities in what I design.

Pressed Flowers
Why Pressed Flowers?
One of the themes for the artworks, identified by staff during a consultation process was nature and the natural world. I am aware that during this pandemic more people have been growing plants and also walking in local parks and countryside more often. These packs contain pressed flowers that I have collected and instructions on how to press flowers your own flowers. I'm hoping to end up with a range of flowers, colours and shapes that will feature somehow in my final designs.

Colour Collage
Why Colour Collage?
These packs contain a variety of shapes, colours and images relating to Pontypridd and nature. I want people to have fun and 'play' with the compostion of different elements. I'm interested to see what combinations people come up with with a view to them influencing my own design choices.

Creative Stitch
Why Creative Stitch?
I like the idea of people being able to respond through a variety of different media. These packs contain a screen printed image, different colored threads and a simple stitch guide. I am interested in seeing both what colour choices people make and the effect on the image of translating it into stitch. I think it will give me some unexpected qualities I can use to design with.

Looking at Nature
Why Looking at Nature?
Continuing with my emphasis on the nature around us these packs are mostly aimed at younger members of the community (but anyone can have a go). I have supplied some images and found objects from local walks. People are asked to look carefully and draw or paint as much detail as they can. I have also encouraged people to look for thier own items to draw. I am interested in using the quality of line and mark making from the results of these packs.